“Man, I would have hit a lot more than she did … I would have kept hitting.”
I write with a heavy heart today (and also for my Creative Writing blog!)
The words above come from Sandra Bullock and were released by an Orlando radio station which has footage of Bullock talking about Tiger Woods cheating on his wife, Elin, early this year in January.
“She was respectable. I’d get the baseball bat, I’d get everything out,” Bullock said in the interview.
Can you really blame either woman?
Now, to begin, I want to clarify something. I am no huge Bullock fan. I think she’s lovely. I enjoy watching her interviews, specifically on Ellen where the two have a dynamic friendship which always keeps me laughing. I think she’s beautiful and funny. I think she’s gracious and generous. She is one of the first celebrities I always hear about donating large amounts of money to different charities and causes. Watch some of my favourite Sandra interviews below. In the first, she dances for Ellen. In the second, she eats a full chili pepper and Ellen smashes her over the head with a bottle. Hilarious.
This one is my favourite. Bullock wins the Razzie for Worst Actress and she actually shows up to accept it, and her acceptance speech is SO witty.
I think she’s a good woman. And I feel bad for her. She does not deserve the hurt and disrespect and the humiliation she is so clearly fighting as a result of her husband’s cheating.
I’m not going to mention his mistresses. Who really cares? I’m sorry to say, but I doubt this is one isolated incident. It doesn’t matter to me WHO he cheated with because it seems there have been many women. What breaks my heart is what Jesse James has done to Bullock's dignity.
The most heartbreaking part of this whole thing is the irony. Bullock has been making movies and working in the film industry for DECADES. She FINALLY got some recognition for her work in The Blind Side. Only to find out two weeks later that her husband, who she seems to love more than anything, has been betraying her for months.
You know, to me, this seems like some kind of sick twist of fate. Weeks leading up to the Academy Awards, Bullock was quoted in major interviews talking about how much James’ support has helped her, including one with Barbara Walters. During her Oscar acceptance speech, she looked at her husband (who was cheating at the time) and you could see the love in her eyes. The next day on Oprah, she went on about how much she loves him. Tragic.
Again, I am not a huge Bullock fan. But I am a woman. I feel for her. For the humiliation she is feeling now. For how betrayed she must feel. For how stupid she must feel. For how many tears she is likely crying.
How sad and ironic that she was unable to celebrate fully the fruits of her labour over the years. He took that from her. Stole her limelight. He made a great thing for his wife into a horrible memory.
More than that, she CREDITED her winning the Oscar to him on numerous occasions saying James had her back and that her work got better after meeting him.
Call me a feminist, and maybe I am, but this man screwed over this woman. And I wonder, if the opposite was true, if it had been a man who won an Oscar and then got cheated on by his wife, would the press be so critical of him?
If Brad Pitt won an Oscar but found out Angelina Jolie was cheating on him, I’m sure the press would say, “but he still has that Oscar.”
For Bullock, it’s, “poor girl, she got her Oscar but lost her husband.”
That’s not right. Hey, Sandra. I’m on your side. Hold your head up, beautiful.
AND, I'm not sure why a woman can never seem to have her cake and eat it too. He was cheating ON her while she was away filming her Oscar winning role. How's that for being stabbed in the heart?
He doesn’t deserve you. You seem like an amazing woman, and you deserve only great things.
Don’t let him take this moment away from you. You earned it. It’s yours. Enjoy the good, and get rid of the bad.
i carry your heart with me(i carry it in my heart)i am never without it(anywhere i go you go,my dear; and whatever is done by only me is your doing,my darling) i fear no fate(for you are my fate,my sweet)i want no world(for beautiful you are my world,my true) and it's you are whatever a moon has always meant and whatever a sun will always sing is you
here is the deepest secret nobody knows (here is the root of the root and the bud of the bud and the sky of the sky of a tree called life;which grows higher than the soul can hope or mind can hide) and this is the wonder that's keeping the stars apart
One of my favourite poems.... How do I love thee? Let me count the ways by Elizabeth Barrett Browning
How do I love thee? Let me count the ways. I love thee to the depth and breadth and height My soul can reach, when feeling out of sight For the ends of Being and ideal Grace. I love thee to the level of every day's Most quiet need, by sun and candle-light. I love thee freely, as men strive for right; I love thee purely, as they turn from praise, I love thee with the passion put to use In my old griefs, and with my childhood's faith. I love thee with a love I seemed to lose With my lost saints -I love thee with the breath, Smiles, tears, of all my life! -and, if God choose, I shall but love thee better after death.
I heard this saying the other day...and I still have not decided how I feel about it. Marry the man that loves you a millimeter more.
My interpretation of the saying is that at the end of the day, you should end up with someone who loves you a little more than you love them.
I understand. You deserve to be with someone who has unconditional respect, admiration, and love for you.
But my problem with this saying is this: let’s say for debate’s sake that you’re with someone who loves you a millimeter more than you love them, but you aren’t loving to your full capacity.
Are you settling with this person? Or is this how it SHOULD be? Is it naive to think you’re going to end up with someone you have crazy and passionate love for?
Is it a sign of maturity to accept and be grateful for the fact that you're with someone who while you may love them, they love you more than you do them?
This is one topic, I’m really not sure about. What do YOU think?
So tonight marked the finale of a show I loyally follow, The Bachelor: On the Wings of Love.
The world watched as bachelor Jake picked Vienna as his final one. I know, I know...most people hate Vienna or have something negative to say about her...but honestly, he seems to really love her. And I do think he’s a smart guy. He figured out Elizabeth’s games, got rid of Michelle, let four women go in one episode because he knew they weren’t for him, and didn’t let Ali come back after she left him. I think he was there for the right reasons and I hope he found true love.
Now...that being said...there is one other person in this equation. The woman he didn’t pick. Tenley, the beautiful girl with a heart of gold. His reason for not picking her that seemed to resonate in this episode with me was, “we just don’t have the physical chemistry I need.” (Unlike the physical connection he did have with Vienna).
This brings me to the topic for tonight’s blog: the ultimate insult: you’re perfect...but something’s missing.
Now, Jake very clearly told Tenley many times that she was “perfect.” I’ll admit...even watching the show, she came across as quite lovely and perfect to me too. Yet something was missing. He wasn’t physically compatible with her. This is the ultimate insult in my opinion. Basically, you’re telling someone that although they have everything you think you want, you are not physically attracted to them.
This makes me wonder...what happens when you’ve found a perfect match for you in every single way...but your physical connection is off or you are not physically attracted to the person? Do you stick with the relationship?
Do you let it go?
Can chemistry be created?
At the end of the day, what’s more important, the emotional or the physical connection with someone?
If you had to pick one of the two, ask yourself, which would it be?
I wonder how long Jake and Vienna will stay together if one of the major aspects of their relationship is only their physical compatibility. Then again, maybe they found love and lust in each other...that’s pretty special if they did. I always say, the reason it’s so hard to be emotionally and physically connected to one person at the same time is because it’s a rare occurrence. But that’s why when you do find it, you know, that person could be the one.
I do feel bad for poor Tenley. She’s kind, wonderful, smart, and stunning...but she just wasn’t enough for Jake. She got the ultimate insult. The explanation that never really was. The confusing answer that only confused her some more.
The truth is, we all know what he really meant to say was he wasn’t as physically attracted to her as he was to Vienna. Unfortunate but true.
I hope that you enjoy your stay. Whether you are a hopeless romantic, know nothing about love, or have given up on the entire emotion, I guarantee there will be something for you in this blog. Sit back, put on your thinking cap, and let's figure out why that one simple word can drive us all crazy.