As Creative Communications Year 1 Section 2 begins their last week together, I felt the need to say a few words. Most of my previous entries have been wordy, but since there are so few words to describe how I am feeling about some of the best people I’ve met in a really long time, I’m going to try to be as succinct and articulate as possible.
What it has meant to be to be around some of the smartest, most talented people I know, as well as be surrounded by people who are equally as passionate about things that matter to me, I cannot explain. I have enjoyed getting to know you all; I know that I can call each one of you my friend. Thanks SO much for all the laughs, treat days, I LOVED coming to class every day. What a great time it was. And dancing! Our section can dance!!!
I wish everyone so much luck in the next semester; I am already looking forward to seeing you around. Thanks for everything, everything, and everything.
How do you know when to let go of a significant other? A love? A relationship? A friendship? A connection? Ie: When is it really over?
One of two times.
1) When you don’t care enough to keep trying. It isn’t worth it to you anymore. You’ve lost too much in the relationship and can’t bring yourself to make a change in order to make it work. That means you don’t care enough. Time to move on.
2) When you’ve done everything you could do to make it work. I know a lot of people feel sadness when this happens. They think, I did everything I could, and it wasn’t enough.
I look at it the other way. When you’ve given all that you can to a relationship, everything except disrespecting yourself, and it still isn’t enough, that’s when you should let go of it. Take comfort in this. You did everything you could do, compromised and sacrificed, and if it still wasn’t enough, that really isn’t your fault. Sometimes it really is the other person who cannot meet you half way.
Since the beginning of the semester, there has been a girl in my class, Stacia, who I have known is in a long distance relationship. Her boyfriend, ironically he has the same name as I, goes to school in Thunder Bay and the two were separated in September when he left Winnipeg.
I have known since I met Stacia, she is deeply in love with her boyfriend. Her face lights up with any mention of him, she has his photo on her laptop screensaver, and sincerely, you can really hear it in her voice when she talks about him.
Now, I have no concept of how hard it must be for Stacia and her boyfriend to be in a long distance relationship. When she tells me how difficult it is for her, I feel sympathy for her, ask her some questions, and try to be supportive.
It wasn’t until last week, when I was talking about the Christmas break with someone and Stacia’s name came up, that I truly stopped to empathize with her. Stacia gets to see her boyfriend on Dec. 13 when she heads to Thunder Bay. Wow…..Dec. 13. She hasn’t seen him since? I don’t know why, but it didn’t really hit me until that moment. Can you imagine being away from your significant other for almost 4 months? And moreover, how is it going to feel for her when she sees him again?
I know my heart would be bursting with excitement.
So this one’s for you Stacia. I hope the trip is wonderful. And tell Kieran….that Kiran says hi!
I hope that you enjoy your stay. Whether you are a hopeless romantic, know nothing about love, or have given up on the entire emotion, I guarantee there will be something for you in this blog. Sit back, put on your thinking cap, and let's figure out why that one simple word can drive us all crazy.