Monday, March 28, 2011

Final Two

Crecomm is coming to an end. Now what?

The end of the school year is approaching. Fast.

Last week, while standing in line at Tim Hortons with Dr. Petty, we both came to the conclusion that I only had two weeks left of CreComm.

It hit me.

Two weeks.

It’s the end of post-secondary education for me. Five years, a double major and a diploma later, I am done school. For now at least…I think I eventually want to get a Masters in journalism, but probably not for a few years.

So this is it for now. No more school.

I have the next two months of my life planned out. After these next two weeks, I head to Vancouver for a six week internship at Global National.

After that? I have no idea…

This is the first time in my life where I’ve had NO idea, absolutely no idea, where I am heading or what’s going to happen.

In two months, where will I be?

Will I have a job? If I do have a job, what will it be? An internship? Maybe I’ll be volunteering? Travelling?

Or maybe I’ll be working out and sleeping…or sitting at home unemployed watching soap operas?

I’m not scared of change….but it does make me a bit uneasy… I’d rather I knew what was going to happen…but the unknown is kind of wonderful too.

If you’d told me in September I’d be living in Vancouver for two months this summer, I’d have been shocked. Change can be so surprising and amazing…but I’ll admit it. I’m scared.

School has always been my security blanket. The one constant thing in my life. What am I going to do without it?

And I’ve realized, I’m really going to miss it.

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